
Knitting Factory Invoice


Invoice Number:[FMP-field:Order ID]

Sold To:
[FMP-field:Customers::FirstName] [FMP-field:Customers::LastName]
[/FMP-if] [FMP-field:Customers::Address]
[FMP-field:Customers::City], [FMP-field:Customers::StateProvince] [FMP-field:Customers::PostalCode]

[FMP-if:Customers::billingAddress.neq.] Bill To:
[FMP-field:Customers::billingFirstName] [FMP-field:Customers::billingLastName]
[/FMP-if] [FMP-field:Customers::billingAddress]
[FMP-field:Customers::billingCity], [FMP-field:Customers::billingStateProvince] [FMP-field:Customers::billingPostalCode] [/FMP-if]

Qty. | Album Title | Artist | Price | Ext. [FMP-portal:Ordered Items] [/FMP-portal]
   [FMP-field:Ordered Items::Quantity] [FMP-field:Ordered Items::Product name] [FMP-field:Ordered Items::Artist] [FMP-field:Ordered Items::Formatted Price] [FMP-field:Ordered Items::Formatted Total]
Total Cost: [FMP-field:Formatted Total]

If these items are correct, please enter your Knitting Factory account information and click the Continue button. You should be receiving confirmation of your order via email within a few minutes.


We're sorry, in order to process your order, you must enter a valid Knitting Factory account number and expiration date! Please try again.


Knitting Factory Account Number

Account Exp. Date (mm/yy)
